Safety First...
Conejo Valley Cyclists is known as “the friendly club.” We also want to be known as “the safest club.” Help us meet that goal by reviewing and following the Ride Etiquette pledge, the California Vehicle Code Statutes and some additional safety tips.
Ride Cancellation Policy:
Rides may be canceled or rescheduled. We try and email cancellation decisions up to an hour before the departure time, however, the rides may be canceled right up to the time of departure or any time during the ride if unsafe conditions develop.
Rides will be cancelled if any of the following unpleasant or unsafe weather conditions develop.
1. National Weather Service Red Flag Warnings
2. Consistent wind speeds of over 30 mpg, or gusts of over 50 mph.
3. Temperatures of less than 40 degrees or greater than 100 degrees.
4. Thunderstorms/SIGNIFICANTLY wet roads
A ride may turn back any time in the sole discretion of the Ride Leader. Since we are an all-volunteer club, there may be times when a cancellation may not get posted. Therefore use the criteria above to decide if a ride is cancelled. In addition, if you go to the ride start for a ride that has been cancelled, you are free to ride with other members who show up, however, the ride will not be an officially sanctioned Club ride. In this even, you ride at your own risk.
Ride Cancellation Policy:
Rides may be canceled or rescheduled. We try and email cancellation decisions up to an hour before the departure time, however, the rides may be canceled right up to the time of departure or any time during the ride if unsafe conditions develop.
Rides will be cancelled if any of the following unpleasant or unsafe weather conditions develop.
1. National Weather Service Red Flag Warnings
2. Consistent wind speeds of over 30 mpg, or gusts of over 50 mph.
3. Temperatures of less than 40 degrees or greater than 100 degrees.
4. Thunderstorms/SIGNIFICANTLY wet roads
A ride may turn back any time in the sole discretion of the Ride Leader. Since we are an all-volunteer club, there may be times when a cancellation may not get posted. Therefore use the criteria above to decide if a ride is cancelled. In addition, if you go to the ride start for a ride that has been cancelled, you are free to ride with other members who show up, however, the ride will not be an officially sanctioned Club ride. In this even, you ride at your own risk.
I will...
As a reminder, we expect all CVC Members and guest riders to obey the California Vehicle Code. The below are a few California statutes pertain to bicyclists...
While not required, please consider...